Old Dog, Old Trick

I promise this is the last video like this I'll post. Right now it is still so darn funny every time I see it happen that I can't resist. This time was not a set up. He happened to decide to go out right before the sprinklers came on, and I followed him with video camera in hand.

Willie gets it up the wazoo. In High Def.

2 Responses
  1. Angie Says:

    Don't get mad at him when he just starts going to the bathroom in the house because he is afraid of the grass:)

  2. Kathy Says:

    HAHA! Yeah, Ange! That's what I was thinking! He has to be thinking by now, "WTF??? You think you're funny? I'll just take a dump on your new tile!"

    (Willie...come on, boy. Don't you know by now if she has a video camera and is LEADING you to the grass that...Oh, never mind). :)

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