It's Friday!
Enjoy your weekend, and don't forget to smile!

I think I'll spend the weekend evenings sitting by the chimenea with a glass of wine....what will you be doing?
5 Responses
  1. Nancy Says:

    Not only is it a's a bubble...that's the next best thing to a balloon!!! Do you want to go to a farmer's market Saturday morning with Lisa and me?

  2. Cathi Says:

    I wish I could sit by the chimenea with a glass of wine or two with you....alas, I will be home! :) Have a beautiful weekend! xxoo

  3. What time are you going, Nancy? Not before noon, I hope. LOL. CALL me this weekend. :-)

  4. I wish you could, too cathi! xxoo

  5. Kathy Says:

    Right now I'm sitting in my living room watching football and drinking a cup of that Holiday Chai tea I horded from last year that you sent me for Christmas. :) (Hint). I wish I could just walk over tonight and we could have a good martini!

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